Freeboard is the distance between the waterline and the freeboard deck at mid length. The freeboard deck is the uppermost continuous deck which has means of closing all openings. Rules allow different freeboards for different ships in relation to their construction and cargo they carry. There are two types of ship;
Type A -which covers vessels designed to carry only liquid cargoes.
Type B-Which covers all other types of ship,
For type A ships cargo tanks must only have small openings which can be effectively sealed
Type B ships must have sufficient bulkheads and sealing arrangements for openings, but such openings e.g. hatches can be large
The freeboard allowed will be smaller for the type A ship compared to the type B ship of similar length because of the type of cargo carried and means of access for water. Type B ships classed as B-60 may have their freeboard reduced by 60% of that required for a normal B-100 ship provided that its method of construction approaches that of the type A ship. This type exists with OBO's.